2023 Goals

goals for 2023

Post created on: 1/15/2023

My 2022 goals were:

  • Finish udemy course of vanilla JS projects - I managed to get halfway through this once I've finished my intro to Laravel course I'll finish this
  • Complete Mastering Nuxt course and write a blog post reviewing it and what I have learnt - following the stable release of Nuxt 3 towards the end of 2022 this was not completed
  • Attempt to complete the 100 days of code challenge again - definitely nowhere near completing this again. I'm tempted to try again one day but it's intermittent learning at moment
  • I'm going to learn some node and express - I started looking at some node basics but nothing on express. I've decided to focus on some PHP/Laravel for a while before returning to this

2023 Goals:

Given last year failures I intend to be better this year hopefully starting with this blog post I started writing it a couple of weeks ago but better late than never...

I'm going to be looking at a few different things this year . I've started to learn some PHP and SQL basics as well the basics of Laravel. I'm enjoying it so far I was a bit scared of databases always seemed complicated, but having learnt some SQL they aren't that scary after all.

My key goals are:

  • Finish my Laravel beginners course I'm enjoying so far and am nearly halfway through - goal to complete this time in next couple of weeks
  • Thanks to help from colleagues I've scaffolded a Laravel/vue app using inertia.js which I've read about but never fully understood. It made setting up a Laravel/vue app easier as I've always struggled to do in the past despite reading numerous tutorials on how to do it. Going to try and experiment a bit more with this and see how far I can get with it.
  • I also plan to rebuild my site as some point this year probably with Nuxt 3 as I do enjoy using it and given my current site is Nuxt 2 it'll be straightforward to migrate most of the site over. I'm debating more what to do with my blog posts do I continue using a headless CMS (currently netlifycms) or do I just stick with nuxt/content as it does make creating posts in markdown fairly straightforward. Something for me to think about further before making a decision
  • Try and think of some smallish projects/apps I can create to update the content on my site as I failed to regularly update my blog and I need some additional projects on homepage as I have too many unfinished projects...

Hopefully I will have an update in a couple of weeks to comment on my progress. #Iwillbebetterin2023