Further Codecademy Update

Further update on progress

Post created on: 5/1/2023

It's been a couple of weeks since my last post so figured it was time to post an update on how I am getting on and what I have covered so far.

The Web Development path I am currently 36% of the way through the overall pathway.

  1. JavaScript: Arrays, Loops, and Objects - 75% complete I have a series of challenges to through to finish this section
  2. Building Interactive JavaScript Websites
  3. Intermediate JavaScript
  4. Learn the Command Line- I am currently working my way through this section I know some basics but keen to improve this
  5. Learn Git & GitHub - started WIP

Full Stack path covers the following much of which links in with the web development path listed above. Overall I am 23% through this path.

  • Web Development Foundations - this section is almost complete I have a couple of small projects to finalise
  • Building Interactive Websites - partially complete WIP

I've made reasonable progress on this, but I have realised I really need to practice with JS some more as I half remembered some parts of syntax/methods etc I need to think of some small projects I can use to reinforce these things I am learning.